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Dry cleaning: Everything you need to know

Chemische Reinigung ist eine spezialisierte Methode, um Kleidung und Textilien zu reinigen, ohne dabei Wasser zu verwenden. Stattdessen kommen spezielle Lösungsmittel zum Einsatz, die empfindliche Stoffe schonen und verhindern, dass sie einlaufen, ihre Form verlieren oder beschädigt werden. Dieser Reinigungsprozess wird häufig für Kleidung empfohlen, die aus Materialien wie Wolle, Seide oder Viskose besteht und bei der herkömmliche Waschmethoden ungeeignet wären.

In this article you will find out what exactly dry cleaning is, which symbols and symbols play a role in textile care and whether it is possible to carry out dry cleaning yourself at home.

What is dry cleaning ?

Dry cleaning is fundamentally different from conventional washing. While household laundry uses water and detergent, dry cleaning is based on the use of solvents to remove stains and dirt from textiles.

Perchlorethylene (also"Per"), a strong solvent that penetrates deep into the fibers and removes even stubborn stains. However, modern cleaning companies are increasingly relying on more environmentally friendly alternatives such as hydrocarbons or silicone-based cleaning agents, which are less harmful to the environment and people.

Dry cleaning process:

  1. Pretreatment: Before the cleaning process, stains are treated locally to ensure that they can be removed later.

  2. Machine cleaning: The clothes are placed in a special machine , which works similarly to a conventional washing machine, but works without water. Instead, the solvent is pumped through the clothing as the machine rotates gently.

  3. Drying: After cleaning, the solvent is removed and the clothing is dried. This is done in the same machine, making the process efficient and quick.

  4. Final inspection: After drying, each garment is checked and ironed. It ensures that all stains have been removed and the garment is in perfect condition.

Dry cleaning symbols

There are various symbols on clothing care labels that indicate whether and how the garment can be cleaned. These symbols are important because they help the consumer ensure proper care for their clothing.

Dry Cleaning Symbol

TheCircle Symbol| ||582 ist das universelle Zeichen für chemische Reinigung. Wenn auf dem Etikett Ihrer Kleidung ein Kreis zu sehen ist, bedeutet dies, dass das Kleidungsstück für die chemische Reinigung geeignet ist. Das Symbol kann zusätzlich Buchstaben enthalten, die spezifische Hinweise für den Reinigungsprozess geben:

  • P: Stands for "perchlorethylene", the most common solvent in dry cleaning. Clothing with this symbol can be treated with conventional chemical cleaning products.
  • F: Indicates that hydrocarbon solvents milder than perchlorethylene should be used.
  • W: This symbol indicates that the garment can be subjected towet cleaning, which is a gentler alternative to classic dry cleaning.

A crossed out circle means that the item of clothingcannot be dry cleaned.

Can you do dry cleaning at home? ?

The answer is: yes, but with restrictions. There are special dry cleaning kits for home use that allow for gentle cleaning of delicate fabrics. These kits contain stain removers, wet wipes and special cleaning bags in which the clothes are treated in a conventional dryer. However, this method is not as thorough as professional dry cleaning because it uses less intensive solvents.

How to dry clean at home:

  1. Pre-treating stains: Sie verwenden einen Fleckenentferner, um sichtbare Flecken gezielt zu behandeln.

  2. Using the cleaning cloth: The special cloth is placed in the bag along with the clothing. The cloth contains a chemical cleaning solution that is activated when dried.

  3. Tumble drying: The clothing is then rotated in the dryer on low heat, releasing the solvents from the cleaning cloth and circulated through clothing.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry cleaning at home


  • Cost-effective: It is significantly cheaper than professional dry cleaning.| ||
  • Time saving: You can treat clothes immediately at home without having to take them to the dry cleaners.


  • Limited effectiveness: Stubborn stains such as oil, grease or Deeply penetrated dirt often cannot be completely removed.
  • Restrictions for sensitive fabrics: Very delicate or high-quality items of clothing should continue to be professionally cleaned.

The meaning of the laundry symbol “P”

The laundry symbol“P” on the care label stands for perchlorethylene, the standard dry cleaning solvent. It indicates that the garment can tolerate dry cleaning with this solvent.

If the “P” symbol is found on your clothing, it means that the fabric may be sensitive to water and therefore requires a dry, Solvent-based cleaning is necessary. Perchlorethylene is strong enough to remove grease and oil while protecting textile fibers.


Dry cleaning is an important method for properly caring for delicate clothing. It offers benefits such as thorough removal of grease and dirt without using water, which could cause damage to delicate materials. Thanks to special home dry cleaning kits, some cleaning can be done at home, but with certain limitations.

For anyone unsure about the care their clothes need, the symbols on the care labels are crucial. In particular, the “P” mark on the label indicates that the garment is suitable for professional dry cleaning and can be safely treated with perchlorethylene.
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