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Blog Clean Whale

So sparen Sie 384 Euro im Jahr: Ihr Steuervorteil für Reinigungsdienste mit

How to save 384 euros a year: Your tax advantage for cleaning services with️

Did you know that you can deduct up to20% of the costs of household-related services from your taxes ? This also applies to cleaning work in your home! Section 35a EStG allows you to deduct costs for certain services, such as regular apartment cleaning, from your income tax and thus reduce your tax burden. In this article you will learn how this tax advantage works, how you can take advantage of it and how much money you can save when using services such as cleaning, gardening or handyman services.

Reinigungsfirma oder privater Reiniger: Welche Wahl ist die bessere für Ihr Zuhause?

Cleaning company or private cleaner: Which choice is better for your home?️

When it comes to cleaning your own home, many people come first an important decision: Should you hire a professional cleaning company or should you rely on a private cleaner? At first glance, a private cleaner may seem cheaper or more personal, but is it really the best solution? In this article, we look at the benefits that a professional cleaning company offers and show why it can be a smart decision to rely on experienced professionals| ||580

Selbst putzen oder Reinigungskraft beauftragen: Was ist besser für Sie?

Selbst putzen oder Reinigungskraft beauftragen: Was ist besser für Sie?️

When it comes to the cleanliness of our home, we are often faced with this Decision: Should we clean ourselves or should we hire a cleaner? This question is asked by many who value a tidy home but also want to use their valuable time efficiently. In this blog article we look at both options - cleaning on your own and hiring a cleaning service - and help you make the best decision for your living circumstances.| ||601

Neues Reinigungsunternehmen in Deutschland gründen: Chancen und Herausforderungen

Neues Reinigungsunternehmen in Deutschland gründen: Chancen und Herausforderungen️

The cleaning business is one of the oldest and most consistent industries that is booming worldwide. There is also a constant need for professional cleaning services in Germany, especially in large cities. But is it really that easy to enter this industry and become successful? In this article we look at the advantages and disadvantages of the cleaning business in Germany and whether it is worth starting your own business in this area.

Was macht eine gute Reinigungsfirma aus?

What makes a good cleaning company?️

In a fast-paced world where time is a valuable commodity, hiring a professional cleaning company is a smart solution for homes and businesses. But not every cleaning company offers the same quality or reliability. With a variety of providers on the market, it can be difficult to make the right choice. So what makes a really good cleaning company? In this article we look at the key criteria to help you choose a cleaning service to ensure you get the best value for money and a flawless result.

Was stimmt nicht mit Online-Bewertungen von Dienstleistungen? Eine kritische Betrachtung

What's wrong with online reviews of services? A critical look️

In today's digital world, reviews of services play a central role. They are often the first thing potential customers look at when choosing a service. Regardless of whether it is a restaurant, a hotel or a cleaning service – reviews are the key to successful customer acquisition. But how representative are these reviews really? Are they able to provide a realistic picture of the quality of the service? In this discussion, I would like to shed light on the issue of reviews and question whether they are actually a reliable indicator.

Was Sie wissen müssen, wenn Sie eine Reinigungsfirma beauftragen: Ein vollständiger Leitfaden

What You Need to Know When Hiring a Cleaning Company: A Complete Guide️

Hiring a cleaning company in a big city like Berlin can be an excellent solution to save time and effort. However, before hiring a company to clean your home or office, you should be aware of some key factors that can affect the cost, terms and quality of the services provided. In this article you will learn what you should pay attention to when choosing a cleaning company to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Fensterreinigung mit Rahmen: Was Sie wissen müssen – Preise, Tipps und Vorteile

Window cleaning with frames: What you need to know - prices, tips and benefits️

Window cleaning is an essential part of regular building maintenance, both for private households and companies. While clean windows enhance the appearance of a home or office, it is often forgotten that the frames also need a thorough cleaning. Complete window cleaning with frames not only ensures an attractive appearance, but also increases the longevity of the windows. But how much does such a service cost and what factors influence the price? In this article you will learn all about the cost of framed window cleaning, what benefits it offers and how to find the best deal.

Sauberkeit schenken: Der perfekte Gutschein für eine Wohnungsreinigung von CleanWhale

Give the gift of cleanliness: The perfect voucher for an apartment cleaning from CleanWhale️

A clean home is more than just a question of aesthetics - it is a place where where we can feel good, relax and recharge our batteries. But in hectic everyday life there is often little time for thorough cleaning of the apartment. This is exactly where CleanWhale comes into play: With a voucher for professional apartment cleaning fromCleanWhale you can give your loved ones the gift of cleanliness and more free time - ideal for special occasions or simply as a gift little attention. But why is a voucher for an apartment cleaning so special? Let's take a closer look at the advantages of this service and the flexibility of the offer.

Matratze reinigen: So entfernen Sie effektiv Flecken und Gerüche

Cleaning a mattress: How to effectively remove stains and odors️

On A clean mattress is the key to a healthy and restful sleep. Over time, dirt, dust, stains and even unpleasant odors can accumulate on your mattress, which not only affects the sleeping environment but can also lead to health problems. But how do you clean a mattress properly? Whether it's urine stains, blood stains or general dirt - we'll show you the best methods for cleaning your mattress that are not only effective but also easy to implement.

Backofen Reinigen mit Hausmitteln: Effektive und Umweltfreundliche Lösungen

Cleaning the oven with home remedies: Effective and environmentally friendly solutions️

Anyone who cooks regularly knows how difficult it can be to keep the oven clean. Greasy stains, burnt-on food residues and unpleasant odors are often unavoidable. Luckily, you don't always have to resort to harsh chemical cleaners. You can clean your oven effectively and gently with simple home remedies such as baking soda, vinegar and lemon. In this article, we'll show you how you can use these readily available tools to keep your kitchen clean in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way - without any harmful chemicals!

Waschsymbole einfach erklärt: Was bedeuten die Zeichen auf deiner Kleidung?

Washing symbols simply explained: What do the symbols on your clothes mean?️

Each of us knows the little symbols on the care labels of our clothing, but they often remain a mystery. What can go in the washing machine? When is dry cleaning necessary? And which ironing symbol indicates that high temperatures should be avoided? These symbols are essential to ensure your garments last longer and maintain their quality. In this blog post we explain in detail what each of these symbols means so that you can always take optimal care of your laundry.

Chemische Reinigung: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Dry cleaning: Everything you need to know️

Chemische Reinigung ist eine spezialisierte Methode, um Kleidung und Textilien zu reinigen, ohne dabei Wasser zu verwenden. Stattdessen kommen spezielle Lösungsmittel zum Einsatz, die empfindliche Stoffe schonen und verhindern, dass sie einlaufen, ihre Form verlieren oder beschädigt werden. Dieser Reinigungsprozess wird häufig für Kleidung empfohlen, die aus Materialien wie Wolle, Seide oder Viskose besteht und bei der herkömmliche Waschmethoden ungeeignet wären.

Wie oft müssen Sie Ihre Waschmaschine reinigen? 5 entscheidende Tipps für optimale Hygiene

How often do you need to clean your washing machine? 5 crucial tips for optimal hygiene️

The washing machine is an indispensable device in every household. It ensures clean laundry every day and contributes significantly to our well-being. But have you ever wondered how often you should clean your washing machine to maintain its performance and ensure hygienic cleanliness? In this article we answer this question and give you valuable tips on how you can extend the life of your machine.

So reinigen Sie Ihre Autositze gründlich: Tipps und Methoden

How to clean your car seats thoroughly: tips and methods️

Die Reinigung von Autositzen ist ein essenzieller Teil der Fahrzeugpflege. Ob Schmutz, Flecken oder allgemeiner Verschleiß – Autositze benötigen regelmäßige Pflege, um sie in bestem Zustand zu halten. In diesem Artikel erklären wir detailliert, wie man verschiedene Arten von Autositzen richtig reinigt, inklusive Stoff-, Leder- und mit Dampf gereinigten Sitzen.

Teppich reinigen leicht gemacht

Cleaning carpet made easy️

Carpets are a central part of many living spaces. They not only add warmth and coziness, but also add stylistic accents.

But over time, dirt, dust and stains accumulate, which can affect the appearance. Many people therefore ask themselves the question:Wie reinige ich meinen Teppich effektiv und schonend? In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über die Teppichreinigung und erhalten nützliche Tipps für ein sauberes Zuhause.

So reinigen Sie Ihre Spülmaschine richtig: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung

How to clean your dishwasher properly: step-by-step instructions️

So that yourDishwasher|| |866 dauerhaft effizient arbeitet und Ihr Geschirr hygienisch sauber wird, ist eine regelmäßige Reinigung unverzichtbar. Schmutz, Kalk und Speisereste können sich mit der Zeit in der Maschine ablagern und die Leistung beeinträchtigen. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre dishwasher, including cleaning the seals as well as usingvinegar andBaking soda as natural cleaning agents.

Wie reinige ich einen Teppich? Effektive Methoden und Tipps

How do I clean a carpet? Effective methods and tips️

A clean carpet contributes significantly to the coziness of a room, but it also attracts dirt, dust and stains. Whether it's about daily care or removing stubborn stains, propercleaning of carpets is crucial to their longevity. In this article, you'll learn how to thoroughly clean carpets and removestains from carpets using both home remedies and asteam cleaner.