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How to save 384 euros a year: Your tax advantage for cleaning services with

Did you know that you can get up to20% of the costs for household-related services from your tax can deduct? This also applies to cleaning work in your home! Section 35a EStG allows you to deduct costs for certain services, such as regular apartment cleaning, from your income tax and thus reduce your tax burden. In this article you will learn how this tax advantage works, how you can take advantage of it and how much money you can save when using services such as cleaning, gardening or handyman services.

What is §35a EStG?

The§35a EStG (Income Tax Act) regulates the deduction of household-related services andtrade services from the tax. This means that as a taxpayer you can get back part of the expenses you pay for work in your private household. These include, among other things, costs for:

  • Cleaning staff
  • Gardening work
  • Care and support services
  • Caretakers
  • Renovation - and craftsmen's work

By using such services, you have the opportunity to reduce your tax burden and at the same time get professional help for work around your home.

How does the tax advantage work according to § 35a EStG?

The tax advantage applies to all household matters that arise in your private apartment or house. You can deduct20% of the costs for household-related servicesdirectly from your tax liability. The maximum tax reduction is:

  • up to 4,000 euros per year for household-related services
  • up to 1,200 euros per year for craftsman services

These amounts apply per household, regardless of the number of people living in this household.

Requirements for the tax advantage:

  1. Invoice: You must receive and keep an invoice for the service provided.
  2. Cashless payment: Payment must be made by bank transfer or card - cash payments are not accepted by the tax office.
  3. Private household: The tax advantage only applies to activities carried out in a private household. Working in a professional context (e.g. commercially used rooms) is excluded.

Example calculation: This is how much you can save

Let's assume you hire a cleaning company for regular cleaning of your apartment. The annual costs amount to2,000 euros.

  • You can20% of these costs claim for tax purposes, so:

    2,000 euros x 20% = 400 euros.

  • This means that you400 euros can be deducted directly from your tax burden. So, for example, if you have a tax liability of 2,500 euros, this will be reduced to2,100 euros.

The more services you use (up to upper limit), the more you can get back from the tax. Assuming you also hire a craftsman for renovation work worth5,000 euros, you could additionally1,000 euros ( 20% of 5,000 euros). This brings your tax savings toa total of 1,400 euros!

What else can you deduct?

In addition to cleaning, you can do many other things Deduct services provided in your private household. Here are some examples:

  • Gardening work: Maintaining the lawn, cutting hedges, removing leaves - all of these activities can fall under household-related services.
  • Handicraft services|| |637: Renovierungen, Reparaturen und Modernisierungen, z.B. an Heizungen, Fenstern oder dem Dach.
  • Care services: Services for the care of relatives or care of children who are in your household.
  • Winter service: If you hire someone to clear snow, these costs can also be taken into account for tax purposes.

How do I apply for the tax advantage?

The tax advantage for household-related services according to §35a EStG is claimed in yourannual tax return. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Collect invoices: Keep all invoices for household-related services. It is important that the invoice clearly shows which services were provided.

  2. Proof of payment: You must provide proof of payment (e.g. bank statement) that shows that the invoice was paid by bank transfer or card payment.

  3. Fill out your tax return: Enter the costs for household-related services in theAnnex Household-related services in your tax return. Here you enter the exact amounts you have spent on services and tradesmen.

  4. Submit and benefit: After submitting your tax return, the tax office will check your information. Once everything has been accepted, the corresponding amount will be deducted from your tax liability.


The tax advantage according to§35a EStG is a great way to reduce the cost of cleaning and other household-related services. For example, by using the services of a cleaning company, you can not only save valuable time, but also get cash back -up to 4,000 euros per year! Take advantage of this advantage to reduce your tax burden while receiving professional support for your home.

Suppose you book the cleaning service für 80 euros per cleaning (3 rooms), and you need this servicetwice a month.|| |694

Schritt 1: Berechnung der jährlichen Ausgaben für die Reinigung

The costs for one cleaning are €80, with two cleanings per month this results in:

€80×2 (per month)=160 € (monthly)

Multiplied by 12 months:

160 €×12 (months)=1920 € (yearly)| ||716

Step 2: Calculation of the tax deduction according to §35a EStG

Sie können 20% of the total costs for household-related services from tax:

1920 €×20%=384 €

Sie können 384 euros tax refund for the year if you use the cleaning service twice a month for 80 euros per cleaning. This is a worthwhile way to receive professional services while reducing your tax burden.

Remember: Proper invoices and non-cash payments are the key to taking advantage of this tax advantage. Prepare your tax return in good time and benefit from the relief!
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